Key takeaways in one sentence: This section talks about the lies of efficient learning

Follow your passion:

  • “Passion is simply overrated.” - <So good they can’t ignore you> by Cal Newport. What you feel passionate about may not interest you as your career. Additionally, passion can come and go easily.
  • Passion mindset: what the world can offer you? what is my passion and destiny?
  • All you need is a little interest in a topic + continuous learning + improving → you will feel more enjoyable about what you are doing → from beginners to somebody who has a valuable skill that people respect
  • Combine 3 things below with a valuable skillset, in turn passion arising.
    1. Creativity about skills
    2. Control of our life and dictate what we work on
    3. Have impact on the world and do something worthwhile
  • Prefer Craftsman mindset over Passion mindset:
    • How can I improve and have something uniquely valuable to offer to the world?
    • Am I be able to push through this and go pass obstacles despite how hard, tedious and boring a process may be?
    • Instead of following your passion blindly and finding a perfect job, work hard, put your head down, learn a valuable skill and combine different skills to get so good that they can’t ignore you.
    • You have to earn your career with this process and hard work.

You can avoid risk

  • Risk is part of process of learning new things and improving a skill.
  • You can never avoid risks when you do something worthwhile and get out of your comfort zone.
  • Achieving your goals often needs sacrificing something at the same time.

Trust this one person

  • Human tend to look up to leaders and believe everything they say is a golden rule and right for themselves. However, it is not very true because they express opinions and give advice based on their personal experience.
  • During your learning journey, reach out to multiple sources, look at different opinions and learn from different teachers to shape an efficient learning way that suits you the most.

10,000 hours rule

  • “The more practice, the better you become”. Practice is important, but other factors like genetics, personality, life history, etc. matter as well.
  • Not every body starts at the same level. You have less control of your life, skills and learning to some extent.
  • As such, efficient learning can be more important to get you to the goal with your limited resources and energy.